The Doggone Dog Read online

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  Roscoe barked and pulled until Mr. McCarthy let him go. Then he ran right up to Rex and bounced all around the big, yellow Labrador retriever.

  “I think he’s happy to see your dog,” Mr. McCarthy said. “He missed his new friend.”

  “Rex is happy to see him, too!” Kyle said.

  “Let’s head out to the backyard,” the old man said. “There’s more room back there for the dogs to play.”

  On their way through the house, they stopped in the kitchen for lemonade.

  Kyle was dying to tell Mr. McCarthy about their idea, but he waited until they were settled on the back steps.

  Then Mia beat him to it.

  “We told all our friends about you and Roscoe, Mr. McCarthy,” Mia said. “And we came up with a great idea for how to help you and Roscoe!”

  “I don’t understand. Help me how?” Mr. McCarthy asked, looking back and forth between Kyle and Mia.

  “With Roscoe!” Kyle exclaimed. “Since you have arthritis and can’t take Roscoe for walks, we thought we could take turns coming here to play with him. A bunch of our friends offered to help out, too.”

  “That way Roscoe won’t get bored and run away again,” Mia said. “And we’ll bring Rex with us so they can still play together.”

  “And our friends who can’t have dogs will get a chance to play with one,” Kyle finished. “What do you think?”

  “I think that’s the best idea I’ve ever heard!” Mr. McCarthy said with a smile. “Thank you, kids.”

  They all shook on it. Then, to seal the deal, Kyle and Mia took Rex and Roscoe to the dog park to play.


  Diana G. Gallagher lives in Florida with three dogs, eight cats, and a cranky parrot. She has written more than 90 books. When she’s not writing, Gallagher likes gardening, garage sales, and spending time with her grandchildren.


  Adriana Isabel Juárez Puglisi has been a freelance illustrator and writer for more than twenty years and loves telling stories. She currently lives in Granada, Spain, with her husband, son, daughter, two dogs, a little bird, and several fish.


  arrival (uh-RYE-vuhl) — someone or something that has gotten to a place

  clinic (KLIN-ik) — a place where people can go to receive medical treatment or advice

  exercise (EK-sur-size) — physical activity that you do to keep fit and healthy

  humane (hyoo-MAYN) — kind and charitable

  intruder (in-TROO-dur) — someone who forces their way into a place or situation where they are not wanted or invited

  obedience (oh-BEE-dee-uhns) — the act of listening or obeying

  relief (ri-LEEF) — a feeling of freedom from pain or worry


  Dogs can make great pets, but like any animal they also require a lot of work. Want to know more about owning a dog? Here are some quick tips to get you started!

  Dogs need to get plenty of exercise to stay healthy. Taking your dog for walks, running around in the yard, and playing fetch are all good ways to keep your dog fit and healthy.

  Your dog should wear a collar and ID tag with your name, address, and phone number at all times. This will increase the chances of your dog being returned to you if it gets lost or runs away.

  Your dog’s diet depends on its size, age, and activity level. Ask your vet to help you find the best food for your dog, and always make sure to provide plenty of fresh, clean water.

  Your dog will need regular checkups at the doctor, just like you. Schedule appointments with your veterinarian and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

  Bathe your dog on a regular basis. Make sure to use a good shampoo and rinse well. You can also take your dog to a groomer if you need help.

  Dogs never outgrow the need to chew. Having chew toys for your dog to play with will keep your shoes and other things safe.


  Dogs need lots of exercise. Talk about some different ways owners can help their dogs get exercise.

  Can you think of any other ways Kyle and Mia could have found the missing dog’s owner? Talk about your ideas.

  Have you ever found something that doesn’t belong to you? Talk about what you did to return it to its owner.


  Do you have a pet? What is the hardest part? What is the best part? Write a paragraph about each.

  Pretend you are Mr. McCarthy. Create a flyer or newspaper ad about your missing dog. What information would need to be included?

  Kyle and Mia decide to go play with Roscoe so he won’t run away again. Write a list of some other ways Kyle and Mia could have helped.


  and learn more about Kyle and Mia’s animal adventures!

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  is published by

  Picture Window Books,

  A Capstone Imprint

  1710 Roe Crest Drive

  North Mankato, Minnesota 56003

  Copyright © 2014 Picture Window Books

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication

  Data Gallagher, Diana G.

  The doggone dog / by Diana G. Gallagher ; illustrated by Adriana Juarez.

  p. cm. -- (Pet friends forever)

  Summary: When Kyle’s dog Rex makes friends with a lost dog, Kyle and Mia set out to find “Scruffy’s” owner before the unruly dog wrecks Kyle’s home.

  ISBN 978-1-4048-7502-9 (library binding)

  ISBN 978-1-4795-1865-4 (paperback)

  ISBN 978-1-4795-5576-5 (ebook)

  1. Dogs--Juvenile fiction. 2. Lost articles--Juvenile fiction. 3. Animal rescue--Juvenile fiction. 4. Best friends--Juvenile fiction. [1. Dogs--Fiction. 2. Lost and found possessions--Fiction. 3. Animal rescue--Fiction. 4. Best friends--Fiction. 5. Friendship--Fiction.] I. Juarez, Adriana, ill. II. Title.

  PZ7.G13543Dog 2013 813.6--dc23


  Designer: Kristi Carlson

  Image Credits: Shutterstock/Kudryashka (pattern)